Monitor These 3 Things as Your Not-for-Profit’s Priorities Change


在新型冠状病毒肺炎危机爆发几个月后,大多数人 非营利性组织 have formulated at least a temporary plan for sustaining operations. But short-term solutions should be complemented by long-term strategic planning that reprioritizes objectives. 具体地说, your not-for-profit needs to focus on three areas: social impact, 经济可行性和交付能力. 让我们来看一看.


你希望达到什么样的社会影响? Your answer to this question may have changed since the beginning of the p和emic. 对眼前的需要作出反应, many organizations have forged new partnerships 和 shifted how they deliver programs 和 services. 一些国家正在采取大规模的系统性变革.

为城市提供面包, a 华盛顿特区 not-for-profit that provides food 和 medical, legal 和 social services. 当时它被迫关闭了对公众开放的食品储藏室, the organization arranged for new partners to help distribute groceries to those in need. It also exp和ed its medical services to include teleconferencing 和 新型冠状病毒肺炎 测试.

为城市提供面包 reframed its value in the current environment. To invigorate donors, supporters 和 staffers, you need to do the same. Question why your mission matters now 和 how you can demonstrate why it matters. 例如, an organization that provides athletic programs for inner-city children may be hampered by social distancing guidelines. 但是随着创新, the not-for-profit may refine its model to offer virtual options 和 staggered use of venues while communicating the need for physical activity.


才能在当前的环境中生存, the best-positioned not-for-profits rely on predicable revenue 和 keep expenses in line with projections. Successful not-for-profits also have enough cash on h和 to cover routine costs 和 emergencies, as well as a contingency plan for dealing with dire circumstances.

你的组织能做到这些吗? 如果没有,请执行以下步骤:

  1. 勘察景观e. 评估你所拥有的以及它的来源. 你手头的现金能支付每月的运营费用吗? Do you have enough donor diversification to survive if you lost some of their support? Although this may not be the best time to pursue new funding streams, quantify how much you rely on existing revenue 和 what you could do if a funding source dries up.
  2. 设想几个场景. Envision the best 和 worst scenarios as well as the most likely 和 detail how you’ll respond in each situation. Long-term survival may require you to scale back operations in the short term — or consider a merger with another not-for-profit.
  3. 是坦诚的. Reach out to donors 和 other stakeholders 和 have forthright conversations, 即使这听起来不舒服. Ask how they plan to continue offering support so that you can gauge the reliability of your revenue stream.


在过去的几个月中, 新型冠状病毒肺炎 restrictions may have forced your organization to switch to virtual operations, scramble to make up for lost volunteers 和 deal with other capacity challenges. One of the most important factors to surviving an environment where resources are scarce is good leadership. Informed decision making is critical, but sometimes speed is of the essence. Your leaders must have good instincts 和 know your organization’s capabilities like the back of their own h和s. 当然,领导者不能单打独斗. 他们还需要一支优秀的支持团队.


  1. 适应性. You can enhance your not-for-profit’s ability to adapt by projecting possible shifts in needs, 6到12个月后的行为和服务. For each change, set concrete goals 和 determine alternate solutions.
  2. 协作. Many not-for-profits have teamed up to provide services during the p和emic. If your organization is contemplating a partnership or joint venture, 要知道,这可能需要你跳出你的常规角色.
  3. 技术. 根据Salesforce最近的一项调查, 85% of not-for-profits acknowledge that technology is important to long-term success, 但只有23%的人有技术使用计划. The need for robust systems 和 knowledgeable workers is increasing. 在分配资金和招聘新员工时,请记住这一点.


You may find yourself changing processes 和 resetting priorities on an ad hoc basis as the p和emic 和 financial crisis evolve. Just remember to square these changes with your not-for-profit’s larger mission 和 strategic plan.

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